Digital Marketing in China

What is Chinese digital marketing?

Digital marketing, it’s called online marketing, refers to all marketing strategies that occur on the internet. It works mainly under a firm’s business strategy plannings, and elaborate marketing operation with internet users. This contains the paid advertising of various media channels, as well as free internet traffic value, including SEO optimization, search engines, social media, company website, influencer marketing, video and content viral marketing to interact with current and prospective customers. Company can achieve a better input-output ratio digital marketing strategy, or adjust the follow-up marketing ideas according to the effect feedback.

Digital marketing in China

Why is digital marketing more important to your Chinese business?

Digital marketing assists you to reach a lot of audiences and prospective consumers in China. It differs from the traditional TV or journal methods with many restrictions. In China, there are one billion internet users and almost every one has a smart mobile phone. They spend average more than 2 hours on PCs or smart phones to check various of news, leads, videos, shopping, and more every day. If you are doing with Chinese business, so digital marketing is fast way to target the prospects who are most likely to purchase your products or services. Additionally, this is often more cost-effective than traditional media advertising, and enables adjustment based on the marketing conditions.

There are some benefits of digital marketing: 
Digital marketing is measurable with multiple indicators.
Digital marketing rapidly raises the emerge of your brand and products.
It’s easier to adapt and change a digital marketing strategy.
Digital marketing can improve the quality of your leads and conversion rate.
You can engage potential customers at every stage with digital marketing.
Digital marketing is more cost-effective than traditional marketing methods.

5 Treads of digital marketing in China

1. Search engine marketing

baidu search digital marketing

Almost every internet user use search engines in China if they want to find some information, Unfortunately, it’s not Google, Yahoo or Bing. In China, Baidu, 360, Sougou, Shenma search engines are more popular. And Baidu is the second largest search engine in the world, and held around 80% market share in China’s search engine market. 

The Baidu search engine should not ignored with digital marketing in China. Besides its search function, Baidu is also a large and comprehensive platform, including Baidu marketing system, B2B mall, Baidu post, documents, Baidu video, image, cyclopedia, etc. We can make multiple digital marketing strategies via these channels of Baidu search to engage more potential Chinese customers and improve your brand popularity.

2. Content marketing is vital in China

Content digital marketing in china

Nowadays, content is the most important factor when optimizing your digital marketing strategy. People search for content and search engines index your web content for internet users. All online digital marketing is based on the content, no matter it’s text, video or image. If you have attractive, well-designed content or video, you will not only attract your customers but you will encourage them to buy and even make them become loyal to your brand.
You can optimize your content with a lot of interesting methods: interactive experiences, storytelling and even cooperating with some celebrities to gain in brand awareness. Chinese market are really digital society, they like to interact with technology. Another important point is storytelling, building a story around a brand.

3. Video is the future in China

Digital video marketing

The number of Chinese video users is constantly increasing year after year, this number is also due to the booming of smart phone users and the booming of the digital era.
The video marketing is becoming more and more efficient, especially due to the efficiency of large-scale video platforms such as Tencent video, iQiyi, Youku, Tiaotiao, Souhu, Bilibili, Haokan, etc. It is not only about watching movies, short films or music video clips. You can deliver a message, target a customer, engage your customer and make them buy. The video is an all in one tool; utilizing visuals, text and audio, that is the reason why it is a really efficient tool.

4. Mobile e-commerce is popular in China

mobile ecommerce marketing in china

Mobile e-commerce is clearly booming since smart phones got popular and then Chinese people spend a lot of their time on their mobile devices. The place to reach your customer is on their mobile, it is more convenient and they are more willing to receive advertisements.
Mobile e-commerce is just beginning to know a bright future in China. Especially Wechat which is on the way to becoming the future of social mobile e-commerce platform in China with brands able to launch micro-stores within the application itself. 
There are also many internet technology companies operate mobile commerce service in China, People can use smart phones to buy various tickets, order delivery food, shopping, take taxis/cars/metros/buses, rent bicycles, access public services, pay at physical stores, etc. This is why mobile e-commerce is at any places in China. There is a lot of business chances in the mobile market in China.

5. KOL influencer marketing

KOL influencer marketing

KOL, Internet celebrity marketing is a rapid marketing strategy. Enterprises promote brand products and services by cooperating with popular social media influencers. They often attract a large and engaged audiences that brands can build credibility and even drive sales.
Cooperating with influencers is the fastest marketing strategy for many brands. It has the following benefits:
Reach a wider audience
Build trust for your brand
Expand your social impact
Increase website traffic
Get more potential customers
Promote sales

Our Services

Chinese Business and Marketing Services

Chinese company, branch office registration, business agency service, etc.

Chinese content, video, seo baidu search, website digital marketing

Keep your products approach to hundreds of millions of Chinese customers

Extreme brand virtual exposure via QQ, Wechat, Tiktok, Red, Weibo, etc

Aimed to the variety of industries, research analyse Chinese market

Making effective PR plans and brand advertising strategies to win Chinese market

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